She said it was time
To paint the living room
Which would require
The removal of the ancient, flowered wallpaper.
What a strange thing it was
To peel back the brittle, pasted paper
Only to reveal some secret scrawl
From an unknown hand, long-since dead.
We tried to read the words
But they seemed so foreign
Maybe a spell or sygil
Cast within the walls of our old home.
Perhaps the message was meant
To conjure or create something new
Pulled down from heaven above
Or dredged up from the darkness below.
Just as she was about to speak
I told her to say nothing
For fear of the chaos she might unleash
By uttering things better left unsaid.
We never spoke of the message again
Leaving it right where we found it
On that same southern wall
Being sure to cover it up with three extra coats of paint,
Left for the next owner to uncover.